Boarding & Daycare Service Hours:
Year Around:
Monday-Friday: 7:00a-7:00p
Sat-Sun: 7:00a- 6:00p
Grooming Hours:
Please call to schedule or please schedule online :)
Phone Hours:
Monday-Friday: 8:00a-6:00p
Sat-Sun: 8:00a- 12:00p
TEXT ONLY LINE (Grooming):
Pet Sitting
Pet Sitting Pricing
(1 doggie -All-inclusive, Custom Visits)*
$29.49 -25 min walk incl.
​$34.49 -45 min walk incl.
$39.49 -60 min walk incl.
Each Additional family member:​
$8.49 -Doggie
$7.49 -Kitty kitty
$6.49 -Rabbit,exotic bird,ferret (cage /care)
$5.49 - Small bird, rodent or reptile (cage/care)
$2.49 -Small fish tank or pond
$14.99 -Salt Water Fish (Including Tank Care)
*price per visit~ We may give additional time at no charge to you :)
If you're going on Vacation & you need someone to drop in on your pets, we are here to help. With our Drop-in service your pet(s) doesn't have to go to an unfamiliar kennel, they can stay in their home environment to avoid less stress for you and your pet(s). You Don't have to rush to get home or straight from the airport to pick up your pets, they'll already be home waiting to greet and welcome you home. :)